Table of Contents

IIM Booking system

Available at


Login using username and password

Click on 'Login' link in the top menu, or go directly to

Login using other providers

You can also use several external identity providers:

To use any of there methods, you have to connect you account in booking system to profile at the provider (google, facebook, …)


Accessible from 'Booking' menu:

New booking

The process of booking is as follows:

Booking states

If you look at 'My profile', you can see list of all your booking. Every booking can be in on of these four states:

Item permissions

In the item list, you can choose to display 'Items with special permissions'. This is because there are two categories of things that can be rented.


To rent items you need higher permissions! This is admin-only feature!

The renting works basically the same as the booking:

You need to be an administrator to book the items. There is no verification of the dates for the rental, so be careful.

Rent items from a booking