Table of Contents


Getting the sources

You can either download the source package (link below), or get the sources directly from GIT repository.


To get the snapshot, download it from here:

GIT repository

The address of GIT repository is

If you use graphical GIT client, simply enter as remote repository and clone it.

To clone the repository type from command line (or GIT shell in windows), type:

git clone

And if you want to update it later to current version, type (from the directory with sources):

git pull



You need to install following applications prior to compiling the code:

  1. In the directory with unpacked sources, execute prepare_win32.bat or prepare_win64.bat from a developer command prompt (or PowerShell prompt), depending on whether your system is 32 or 64 bit, or analogous batch files for newer versions of Visual Studio. This will create folder build
  2. Open solution (iimav.sln) from the build directory. This should open Visual Studio.
  3. Change build type from Debug to Release.
  4. Press F7 (or Ctrl+Shift+B in some versions) in visual studio, this should compile the code for a while and eventually print that it built 17 targets.


Open command window and navigate to the directory build inside the sources. The try following commands. (Replace Release with Debug, if you've compiled Debug version).


Expected output is a list of all available audio devices.

bin\Release\playback_sine.exe 440

Expected output is a tone at 440Hz being played out from you default audio output.

bin\Release\record_wav.exe sound.wav

And speak into a microfone. The expected output is a file sound.wav being created in the build directory.

bin\Release\playback_wav.exe sound.wav

The expected output is that the file sound.wav will be played out.


The expected output is a window with the mandelbrot fractal and rotating objects.


And click using left, right and middle button into the window or press keys a, b and c. The expected output is a a black window changing color and playing sounds, based on the input.


You need to install following application before compiling sources:

Under Ubuntu, type:

sudo apt-get install g++ cmake libsdl-dev

Under Gentoo, type (as a root):

emerge cmake libsdl


  1. Open terminal and navigate to the directory with unpacked sources.
  2. Then type:
cd build


Open the terminal and navigate to the directory build inside the sources. The try following commands:


Expected output is a list of all available audio devices.

bin/playback_sine 440

Expected output is a tone at 440Hz being played out from you default audio output.

bin/record_wav sound.wav

And speak into a microfone. The expected output is a file sound.wav being created in the build directory.

bin/playback_wav sound.wav

The expected output is that the file sound.wav will be played out.


The expected output is a window with the mandelbrot fractal and rotating objects.


And click using left, right and middle button into the window or press keys a, b and c. The expected output is a a black window changing color and playing sounds, based on the input.